
1 Euro ==> 402.95 Ft
Name day: Julianna, Lilla

Hortobágy Nemzeti Park (Park) (Hortobágy)

With its 82,000 ha. size (of which 70,000 ha puszta) a term for every bird-watcher. Only already because of the ten thousands of Common cranes (symbol of this park) this area is in October a visit worth. The fly routes of the forage areas to the stopping off places provide at the end of every day spectacular images. Depending on the weather conditions in Europe also several thousands of geese (Grey, White-fronted- and Beangeese) can be seen. Regular there are also Dwarf and red-breasted geese between these swarms. Alltogether more than 340 species of birds have been observed. No less than approx. 160 types brood here and to the winter guests belong among other things 30 up to 40 Sea eagles, Ruffs and Great grey shrike. Component of the park is also the second lake of Hungary, Tisza-lake.
Sights nearby (distance approximately)
Birdpark and birdhospital in Hortobágy 0.2 km 29 sec.
Hortobágyi Kht. - Mátai Ménes in Hortobágy 0.6 km 2 min.
Pusztai Állatpark in Hortobágy 1.0 km 2 min.
Hajdú Lovasudvar in Hortobágy 1.5 km 3 min.
Pinczés Lovarda in Balmazújváros 21.7 km 20 min.
Kamilla Termál és Strandfürdő in Balmazújváros 23.9 km 24 min.
Patás Pajtás Lovasudvar in Tiszacsege 27.8 km 29 min.
Tiszacsegei Termálstrand in Tiszacsege 29.9 km 31 min.
Hungarospa aquapark in Hajdúszoboszló 31.2 km 34 min.
Hajdú Lovas-Park in Hajdúszoboszló 31.7 km 35 min.
Petőfi tér 13
4071 Hortobágy
+36 (52) 589-000
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Last change:  30-05-2013
Geo: 47.582012, 21.150150