
1 Euro ==> 405.55 Ft
Name day: Rómeó, Tódór

Tatabányai Gyémánt Fürdő (Swimming pool) (Tatabánya)

This new pool is open since May 2009. It has 16 baths and 6 slides. Inside there are 6 pools and 1 jacuzzi. Outside there are 2 children's pools, a paddling pool, a pool with elements, 2 beach pools, a wave pool and a pool for the slides. The slides come in all sizes with as a specialty a cyclone slide. There are also a playground, a restaurant and a bar.
Opening hours
Beach (only Sommer): 09:00-20:00
Swimming pool (workdays): 06:00-20:00
Swimming pool (weekends): 09:00-20:00
All ages
Prices (2016)
Adult 2500 Ft 6.20 Euro
Child, pensioner, student 1850 Ft 4.60 Euro
Family card (2 adults and 1 child) 5300 Ft 13.10 Euro
Next child familiy card 850 Ft 2.10 Euro
After 16:00 hour cheaper
Sights nearby (distance approximately)
Tatabánya Kalandpark in Tatabánya 0.9 km 4 min.
Tatabányai Műjégpálya in Tatabánya 2.0 km 6 min.
Palace Tatabánya in Tatabánya 4.4 km 9 min.
Lapatári Malom Csárda in Tatabánya 5.9 km 11 min.
Ranzinger Vince-kilátó in Tatabánya 5.9 km 11 min.
Statue Turul in Tatabánya 5.9 km 12 min.
Archaeological Exhibition Samu in Vértesszőlős 8.9 km 17 min.
Old woodcutter pub in Tarján 13.1 km 19 min.
Old Lake Kalandpark in Tata, Remeteségpuszta 13.1 km 16 min.
Tatai Táltos Lovas Klub in Tata 14.9 km 18 min.
Cseri u. 33
2800 Tatabánya
+36 (34) 309-390
Score: 9.00

Last change:  10-08-2016
Geo: 47.555207,18.416604