
1 Euro ==> 395.30 Ft
Name day: Tivadar

Placeinformation of Fiad in Hungary

Name: Fiad
County: Somogy
Postal code: 7282
Wikipedia: Wikipedia
Website Place: Fiad Note: there is not always a place website, many are now in maintenance
Area code:

Overnight stay

No campings available in this place
Sights nearby (distance approximately)
Somogy Kertje Üdülőfalu in Bonnya9.8 km
Donkeyfarm in Visz10.9 km
Gesztenye Kastélyhotel in Somogygeszti12.4 km
Igali Gyógyfürdő in Igal13.1 km
Rádpusztai Lovascentrum in Balatonlelle19.2 km
Kentaur Üdülőfalu in Balatonboglár19.2 km
Cseles Kelepce in Balatonlelle20.1 km
Balaton go-kart Balatonlelle in Balatonlelle20.3 km
Napfény strand és élményfürdo in Balatonlelle20.4 km
Beach and swimming pool in Balatonszemes20.4 km